A new probiotic: Advanced Orthomolecular Research AOR, Advanced Series, Probiotic-3,

A friend sent me this link and it meets my basic criteria of containing no lactobacillus species.

This is available on Amazon and elsewhere. What is in it and what do we know about the species? Unfortunately, the strains names appears to be marketing names (too common).

It appears to be based on probiotics developed and sold in Japan. One of the characteristics is the suppression of evil E.Coli (good news for Crohn’s suffers) and promotes the growth of Bifidobacterium (good news for CFS folks too).

The bad news is that it contains lactose — which some people cannot tolerate.

Streptococcus faecalis 

The use of perioperative probiotics reduced postoperative infectious complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy, making it a promising potential adjunct therapy for patients undergoing high-risk hepato, biliary, and pancreatic surgery. [2007]

Note: this is also available in Threelac.


Clostridium butyricum

“These results suggest that calves given a probiotic had stable ruminal pH levels (6.6-6.8), presumably due to the effects of the probiotic on stabilizing rumen-predominant bacteria, which consume greater lactate in the rumen.” [2014]

“dietary supplementation of CB promotes growth performance, improves immune function, and benefits the cecal microflora in Escherichia coli K88-challenged chickens.” [2014]

“Probiotic therapy restored intestinal flora involved in 7 alpha-dehydroxylation in the dUC group, but not in the pUC group.“[two different subpopulations of ulcerative colitis] [2012]

the probiotic bacterium C. butyricum MIYAIRI strain 588 has preventive and therapeutic effects on EHEC O157:H7 infection in gnotobiotic mice. [2004]

Clostridium butyricum MIYAIRI is effective for both the treatment and the prophylaxis of AAD in children, as it normalizes the intestinal flora disturbed by antibiotics.[2003]

These results suggested that the inhibition of Shigella in the mixed culture with C. butyricum was not due to a single factor such as pH or fatty acid etc. but due to multifactors including live cells of C. butyricum. [1990]

The use of perioperative probiotics [TO-A] reduced postoperative infectious complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy, making it a promising potential adjunct therapy for patients undergoing high-risk hepato, biliary, and pancreatic surgery. [2007]

 “This study suggested that butyrate produced by C. butyricum TO-A downregulates TLR4 mRNA level in human colonic epithelial cells.” [2007]

. Stimulation of bacterial growth of some strains of Bifidobacterium by a crude preparation of metabolites from Bacillus mesentericus TO-A

– Biomedical Letters; 48, 73-78, 1993

Bacillus mesentericus TO-A

The use of perioperative probiotics [TO-A] reduced postoperative infectious complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy, making it a promising potential adjunct therapy for patients undergoing high-risk hepato, biliary, and pancreatic surgery. [2007]

was identified as 3,3-dihydroxyazetidine, and it promoted the growth of several strains of Bifidobacterium. [2000]