Analysis of a ME/CFS Microbiome

After the last post on Gene base probiotic selection, an old ME/CFS friend asked me to look at her results. Usually I avoid doing individual analysis (not enough time) but when it comes to ME/CFS — I tend to make an occasional exception because of the severe cognitive challenges.

The same was done by and had 777 taxonomies identified. This is in the high end of samples processed there. My personal observations of ME/CFS is that over-diversity is a characteristic of ME/CFS

The predicted symptoms from the microbiome sample are below:

We have a gender correct matching

Step 1 – Enzymes Issues

From this we click the button on the bottom and get the list below. We have 5 items above and lactobacillus paracasei has a count of 5 indicating that it helps every enzyme above. In other words, this is the highest priority probiotics.

Note that clostridium butyricum and streptococcus thermophilus were also the top suggestion for another ME/CFS person. See this post

Let us see what is suggested by other routes.

Using Quick Suggestions, we see it has a positive value

Net Factors/ Take Factors/ Avoid Factors

Going to Advance Suggestions and filtering to bacteria associated with ME/CFS (as shown below)

We see this probiotics is tied with 3 others for first choice.

What this suggests is that the enzyme route for probiotics agrees with other paths. The only thing they have in common is the microbiome that they are working on. The logic and algorithms for each is totally different and use different data with no overlap. Many of the enzyme suggested probiotic species lack any significant studies so they do not appear in the usual suggestions list (because those are based on pubmed studies only). My gut feeling is that these enzyme suggested probiotics are very likely good choices.

Other Suggestions

I often cut suggestions off at a probability estimate of 0.5. The main reason is to stop information overload and over-complexity in life and supplements.

Many of the above items are typically recommended for ME/CFS

Flavonoid Foods Suggested

Apples, Coconut, Almond, oolong tea and buckwheat are the de-duplicated list over 0.5

Bottom Line

The reader can go to the site and make the same advance suggestions pick shown above. I could go off into more complex analysis approaches, but with the intended reader having ME/CFS, it is more likely to confuse.

What we have discovered is one particular probiotic species is well recommended by two different paths.

This happens to be the only probiotic strain in DanActive which I believe is available where she lives. Read more in this pubmed study. Note “Study patients received a probiotic yogurt drink, Danactive® (Danone, Boucherville, QC, Canada) containing 10 billion cfu of Lactobacillus casei sp. Paracasei CNCM I-1518 (formally DN-114 001) ” It is sometime cited in the advertising as Lactobacillus casei. At the gene level there are a few differences between generic L.Casei and L. Paracasei. The Enzyme recommendation was done at the gene level.

There is a question of potential dosage, above we have 10 BCFU cited. My usual probiotic supplier, recommended adult dosage is 320 BCFU. From the above study, we know that 10 BCFU is sufficient to get some results — the question is unclear on what dosage is needed to have a significant impact for ME/CFS.

The reader got back to me, because she has this sitting on her shelf.

No description available.
Both the probiotic and also the Vitamin C suggestions